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NanoViis Company is a nanotechnology-based company founded and incorporated in Greece. NanoViis benefits specifically from its innovative capability and integrated technology platforms.

We apply our creativity daily to new, future-oriented solutions, aligning ourselves to future markets with highly promising growth dynamics, and developing essential and indispensable solutions for our customers. By using nanotechnology, we manage to create more functional, clean, hygienic and environmentally friendly products to solve daily problems for domestic and industrial usage.


It sounds almost unbelievable, but the science of nanotechnology may be the right tool for the creation of “smart” materials. All products we offer were invented, produced and tested in Greece and meet highest expectations. 

Our aim is to provide customers a wide range of different nano-technological products with advanced chemical and mechanical properties.

Innovation in terms of products, processes and solutions that make a difference for our customers is an on-going theme for NanoViis. 

At the same time we are committed to environmental responsibility and sustainable socio-economic development.

Signing a Contract


NanoViis Company is a nanotechnology-based company founded and incorporated in Greece. NanoViis benefits specifically from its innovative capability and integrated technology platforms.

We apply our creativity daily to new, future-oriented solutions, aligning ourselves to future markets with highly promising growth dynamics, and developing essential and indispensable solutions for our customers. By using nanotechnology, we manage to create more functional, clean, hygienic and environmentally friendly products to solve daily problems for domestic and industrial usage.


It sounds almost unbelievable, but the science of nanotechnology may be the right tool for the creation of “smart” materials. All products we offer were invented, produced and tested in Greece and meet highest expectations. 

Our aim is to provide customers a wide range of different nano-technological products with advanced chemical and mechanical properties.

Innovation in terms of products, processes and solutions that make a difference for our customers is an on-going theme for NanoViis. 

At the same time we are committed to environmental responsibility and sustainable socio-economic development.

Management system
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Quality Control Policy based on ISO 9001:2015


NanoViis’s management developed quality control policy based on the daily operation of the company’s ensuring quality.  Our main objective is to provide customers with products and services with the support of our experienced and specialized trained team.

NanoViis pursues the indefinite, sustainable and continuous fulfillment of client expectations through our business ethics and abiding completely to Greek and EU law.  NanoViis recognizes the need to adopt to changes brought about by a globalized economy and in the competitive world of business.   

We are currently in the process of obtaining ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2008.

Our strategy



In our research & development, we work closely  with customers and external partners. Our innovation is characterised by ambitious goals, a clear strategy, and an inspiring culture.


A clear special chemicals character and markets with  above average growth and margins characterize our portfolio management  and investments. We continuously  expand our growth engines in strong business areas: smart construction materials, chemicals for water treatment and chemicals for waste petroleum and gas plant treatment.


Our corporate culture is based on trust, respect, and openness.  We see diversity as an opportunity. We initiate change, keep our promises, reward performance and a willingness to take risks, and develop our own managers.


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Τ: +30 2169004480 | Ε:

21 El. Venizelou Str., Melissia, Athens, Greece, GR15127

©2021 by NanoViis Innovative Nanotechnologies

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